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Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.
-- Samuel Johnson


Saturday, June 24, 2000

Wide open

The great thing about today is that it’s wide open. Anything can happen. Today is full of choices and it is brimming with opportunity.

Are you not satisfied with some aspect of your life? Today you can take the first steps toward changing it. Is there something you truly desire to have, to become, to experience, to create? Today you can begin to make it happen.

This very day you are free and able to make all sorts of choices. Those choices determine precisely where your life will go. What you do today can change the course of your life far into the future. Today is critical. Today really counts.

Today is your opportunity to make a real, positive difference in your life and in the world around you. It is a powerful position you’re in today. Live this very day with respect and responsibility toward your own future and the treasure of today will be with you always.

— Ralph Marston

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