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The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
-- Lloyd Jones


Monday, June 12, 2000

A bright day

No matter how far back you’ve been pushed, you can always move forward. No matter how far down you’ve fallen, you always have the option of getting back up.

Even the greatest disappointments and most profound tragedies can be overcome. No matter how dark it becomes, the day can and will dawn brightly once again.

Whatever the situation may be, there is always the very real possibility for positive change. Even in the best of times, things can get better. Certainly in the worst of times positive change is just waiting to be realized.

Great, magnificent things are possible for you today. By this time tomorrow you can be heading decidedly toward your most treasured dreams and desires. In your heart you know that is true. Let your actions be guided by your positive possibilities and move yourself into a bright new day.

— Ralph Marston

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