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The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
-- Maureen Dowd


Friday, June 2, 2000

Face the day

Relax. Whatever anxiety you may have about the day ahead, let it go. You will get through this day. There will be joys and there will be difficulties. There will be pleasures and there will be challenges.

Take each moment as it comes. The energy you devote to worry and anxiety will serve no purpose, will bring you no benefits, and will probably make your situation worse. Let go of your worries and free yourself to live. Put your effort and energy where they can make a positive difference.

You can handle whatever comes along. You’ve made it this far and you’ll do it again. Step back from yourself and look objectively at your situation. See yourself living the true adventure of life, with all its ups and downs. Consider how fortunate you are to have such an opportunity.

Today won’t be perfect. Yet you have what it takes to make it great. Live it with all you can be.

— Ralph Marston

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