Thursday, May 18, 2000
Across the border
Even those people who achieve the most spectacular success are imperfect human beings, with fears, anxieties, doubts, weaknesses and challenges, just like you. You don’t have to be superhuman in order to be successful. You just have to decide to do it in spite of all those factors which work against you.
Everyone faces significant obstacles. Some people decide that those obstacles make great excuses, and then go no further. Others accept them as a necessary, endurable, and ultimately enabling part of life.
The difficulties and obstacles, which we all face, form a very clear border. On one side are those who lack the commitment to get through. On the other side of the border are those who have decided to really do it, in spite of their shortcomings.
Once you cross that border, you gain access to the truly good things which life has to offer. No one is really better or more deserving than anyone else. Anyone who makes the commitment to get themselves through can do it.
Where would you rather be? Are you content to be on the outside looking in, whining about your troubles? Or would you rather be across the border in the realm of achievement, thankful for the obstacles and satisfied with yourself for working through them? The choice is yours, every moment of every day.
Ralph Marston

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