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Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do.
-- Amelia Earhart


Tuesday, May 16, 2000


Many things at first seem quite impossible. Many obstacles at first appear to be solidly insurmountable. Many concepts initially seem unfathomable. Yet with enough focused concentration, a way can be found to achieve almost anything, to transcend any challenge, to understand the most profound complexities.

Though it is easy to become addicted to a steady diet of fast answers and instant solutions, there is much value in taking the time and effort to concentrate. By working your way steadily and purposefully through a difficult problem, you accomplish much more than just solving the problem. In the process you raise yourself to a higher level of understanding, a level at which you have access to a wealth of new and valuable discoveries.

Don’t just grab the first answer that comes along. Take the time to concentrate. Put your mind through an enjoyable, strenuous workout and feel the power as your mental muscles grow ever stronger.

— Ralph Marston

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