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You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.
-- Mal Pancoast


Saturday, May 13, 2000

Believe it

What do you truly believe you can do? The difference between impossible and accomplished is largely a matter of belief. Sincere belief can make it happen.

Believe that you can do it. If it is possible for someone, it is possible for you. You have just as many hours in the day as anyone else. You are just as capable of learning as is anyone else. You can take action. You can develop skills. You can find the needed resources. You can do it.

If there is something which you have trouble believing you can accomplish, break it down into easily believable chunks. For example, if you have problems sincerely believing you can make a million dollars, break it down until it’s something you can believe. Surely you’ll have no trouble believing you can make a hundred dollars.

So go out an do it. Make that hundred dollars. Then just repeat it and expand on it. You’re well on your way to a million. If you don’t believe you can change the world, perhaps you’ll find it easier to believe you can help one person. Go out and help that one person, and you’re on your way to truly changing the world for the better.

Do what you can. Your belief will grow and the quality of your life will grow along with it. Believe it, a little at a time if necessary, and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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