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Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-- Albert Einstein


Tuesday, May 9, 2000

Just this once

If you find yourself planning to do something “just this once” watch out. It means you’re about to compromise your own values. Whatever it is, you already know it’s wrong. When you have to use “just this once” to justify your action, that’s a very good reason to avoid the action altogether.

"Just this once” has a way of quickly turning into “I got away with it before, so I can do it again.” You’ll find yourself on a slippery slope, sliding ever downward into a hole of despair and regret.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that “just this once” will bring you anything of value. You already know it won’t. When you find yourself saying “just this once” stop it in its tracks by saying “I’ll continue to be strong."

"Just this once” is the tiny tip of an enormous wedge of compromise which can quickly drive your best interests far away from you. Refuse to let it get a foothold. Be strong in the little things and you’ll be successful in the big things.

— Ralph Marston

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