virgin islands scene

The best way out is always through.
-- Robert Frost


Friday, April 28, 2000

Possible for you

Keep this in mind. Whatever it is you wish to do, you can do it. Whatever things are possible, are possible for you. No matter what amount of disappointment you’ve known, no matter how many times you’ve fallen short, you can start right now, this very moment, to work your way steadily toward your dreams.

Your desires will not be fulfilled overnight, yet you can begin to fulfill them immediately. Right now is the time to start living each moment with a purpose. Right now is when the rest of your life begins. Right now is your golden opportunity to take a positive, enthusiastic step toward the very best life you can envision.

The time you’ve spent up to now has suddenly become a powerful teacher. Forget your past regrets and focus on your shining possibilities. In the very next moment you can be well on your way toward your most treasured dream. Life is an experience that has no equal, and you are fortunate enough to have it right now in great abundance. Jump in all the way and live it!.

— Ralph Marston

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