Monday, April 24, 2000
Shadows of desire
No matter how diligently you chase your shadow, you can never catch it. The faster you go after it, the faster it moves away from you.
Following your whims and shallow desires is much like chasing your shadow. Your shadow comes from you but it is not you. Even if you were able to catch it, you would have nothing of value. Likewise, even if you were able to possess all the superficial things you so earnestly seek, would they truly bring you lasting fulfillment, or would you just see the shadow again and start chasing it?
Most of the things you think you want are mere shadows of your most deeply held longings and desires. If you seem to be chasing shadows, consider turning around and facing the light. Rather than focusing on the fleeting shadows of your whims, work to uncover, illuminate and follow the fundamental motives and purposes from which those superficial desires spring. Pursue the substance of your desires rather than their evasive shadows, and you’ll find that those desires are fulfilled.
Ralph Marston

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