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If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on.
-- Sheryl Sandberg


Thursday, March 16, 2000


You are stronger than your circumstances. After all, you’re the person most responsible for those circumstances being the way they are.

You’re stronger than your circumstances, so exercise that strength. Don’t let your energy be diffused by the jumble of triviality which surrounds you. Live with intention and direction. Use that strength to accomplish something positive.

You have the strength to alter your circumstances, or to improve them, or to transcend them. You have the ability to make full use of every situation. You can set the strategies and take the actions which will change your circumstances from negative to positive.

What sway can mere circumstances have in the face of your ability to change them and make the most of them? Refuse to see yourself as a victim of circumstance. You’re not a victim. Indeed, you are a beneficiary of a highly favorable circumstance -- being alive and capable of changing the world around you. Realize that strength. Understand it and use it to be your best.

— Ralph Marston

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