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You don't know what you can get away with until you try.
-- General Colin Powell


Friday, March 3, 2000

Follow your own dreams

The part of your dream that most sincerely expresses who you are is the part that cannot help but come true. Choose to follow your very own dreams. They’re yours for a reason. You are the person most capable of achieving them and you are the person who will be the most fulfilled by them.

Forget about living the dreams of others. When your goal is to be just like someone else, your efforts to reach it will bring frustration and disillusionment.

The greatest gift you have to give is yourself, your own true self. The dreams, the goals, the purposes and passions you hold dear are powerful and undeniable expressions of the person you are. Find and nurture them, and they will energize your efforts. Be the most effective person you can be by truly being yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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