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The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
-- Albert Einstein


Wednesday, February 16, 2000

New challenges

Why is it that just when you think things are beginning to go well, so often something comes along to knock you back? You start to get ahead financially, and an unexpected expense drags you back down. You start to make real progress in a relationship, and some silly misunderstanding disrupts it all. You take two steps forward, and then feel like you’re sliding back three.

At such times it seems that the entire universe is conspiring against you. And yet, in reality, the real demon can be found in your own thoughts and perceptions.

Events don’t really conspire against you. They just happen. Each new level you reach comes with its own set of new challenges. That they seem more ominous than before is probably a good sign that you’re capable of handling more.

Welcome the obstacles, for when you encounter them it means you’re moving forward. You’ll never get all the challenges behind you. If you really thought about it, you wouldn’t want to. So rather than let each one get you down, mold them into stepping stones which will bring you steadily toward where you have decided to go.

— Ralph Marston

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