virgin islands scene

The past doesn't equal the future.
-- Anthony Robbins


Monday, February 14, 2000

Even on the worst days

Life is a privilege, life is a joy, even on the worst days. Just the fact that you’re alive and able to make decisions, to take action and make a difference, far outweighs, by orders of magnitude, any difficulty or disappointment that might happen to come along.

When the world is dark, that’s all the more reason for you to be a source of light. The quality of your life does not depend on what you encounter, but rather on the person you become as a result.

Today is a great day because you are in it. There is opportunity for growth and fulfillment in every direction. If the people around you are being hateful and petty, you have a real opportunity to make a positive difference. The difficult challenges standing in your path hide real treasures which are waiting to be uncovered.

Your heart knows that life can be beautiful when you accept that it is. Wherever you are, whatever confronts you, decide to live that beauty each day. And as you do, even the world around you will change for the better.

— Ralph Marston

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