Friday, February 11, 2000
Move on past
Move on past the setbacks. Move on past the disappointments. Perseverance will ultimately prevail over even the most daunting challenges. Strength does not get used up. The more you exercise it, the more it grows. Be strong and you become stronger.
Even those who are highly skilled, exceptionally intelligent and endowed with ample resources will fall short of the mark if they lack perseverance. By the same measure, those who begin with nothing in their favor can achieve whatever they set out to do when they make the commitment to keep on going.
The troubles of today will soon seem trivial and insignificant if you’ll just move on past them. The only other choice is to drain your strength into your disappointments by wallowing in self pity. Which would you choose to do? Find a reason so compelling, so personally meaningful that you won’t allow yourself to stop. Stand up, lift your eyes up, step forward and keep going -- today and every day.
Ralph Marston

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