Tuesday, February 8, 2000
No postponement
We cannot postpone today. It comes no matter what anyone does. Yet for some reason, we often consider today not to be good enough. We postpone our actions, our achievements, our happiness, our lives simply because the conditions don’t seem right at the moment.
And still, day after day, the dawn is never postponed. It arrives dependably and right on schedule no matter what. Those who experience success and achievement do not postpone their actions until the conditions are right. They take whatever action is necessary to make the conditions right.
Today is here, whether you are ready for it or not. So use it. The situation in which you find yourself is far from perfect. That’s all the more reason to go ahead with your life, with your plans, your goals.
Before you postpone for later, consider that later never really comes. Now is what you have. Choose to work with it despite all the imperfections and inconveniences. Do your best. Whatever adverse conditions you may have imagined were holding you back will be overcome when you make the most of today.
Ralph Marston

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