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Living a life of integrity is one of the greatest missions we can undertake.
-- Greg Anderson


Saturday, February 5, 2000


You already have what you need. Otherwise you wouldn’t even be alive. Beyond your needs, which are already fulfilled, are the things you desire. Some of them you may desire very, very much. That’s known as passion, and it can drive you to do and become and create magnificent things. But it’s not because you need to. It is because you desire to.

We belittle our desires by claiming them as needs, but that’s not really necessary. If you’re alive, your needs are met. Be thankful and grateful for that, and realize that it gives you the opportunity to follow your most passionate, sincere desires.

Though we often misinterpret and corrupt our desires, there’s nothing wrong with desire itself. At the heart of each true desire is the essence of your own, unique universe of possibilities. Your purest desires urge you toward the greatest person you can become. Find them, nurture them, follow them and live your possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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