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Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgi


Wednesday, January 19, 2000

Know why

You know what you must do, and yet you have trouble bringing yourself to take action. Day after day passes, and all the while you feel you could be making progress, but you just cannot seem to take the initiative.

Does this sound familiar? You think you know what you must do. The big question, however, is -- why? Why is it important? More to the point, why is it important to you? Do you really know that? Sure, you have a nice long list of sensible reasons. But do you really know why?

Every moment, there is something you feel you must do, something so overwhelmingly compelling that you do indeed do it. Every action you take, from getting out of bed to brushing your teeth to climbing a mountain to sitting in front of the television, is undertaken because you are absolutely and irrefutably convinced that it is what you must do at that moment. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t do it.

So when you find yourself frustrated about your inability to take action in spite of your desire, the challenge for you is to make that desire real, to make it absolutely compelling. Explore your desires. Question them. Dig into them. Connect with them. Every person has more than enough motivation to fuel a lifetime of action. Those whom we deem successful are the ones who make the effort to find it and use it.

— Ralph Marston

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