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Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Saturday, January 15, 2000

Filling the day

Each day arrives like an empty box, waiting to be filled. We can pack the box with treasures, or load it down with ballast. Many things we put in by habit, without thinking, just because it is easy and comfortable. Sometimes there’s little room for anything else.

If you were to open today’s box a year from now, what things of true and lasting value would you find? Would you be able to distinguish today’s box from all the rest?

Once the box for today is packed, that’s it. You can’t take anything out, nor put anything else back in. Once the day is done, the treasures you could have had are either yours or they are not. Yet tomorrow dawns early, another box that’s empty while at the same time full -- of possibilities.

Each day comes fresh. Make them all special. Stuff them full of life and living. Receive the treasures that can be yours.

— Ralph Marston

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