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If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
-- Mother Teresa


The MONTHLY Motivator - October 2019


Attitude of excellence

You’re not here to just get by. You’re here to live life with excellence. Excellence requires your focused effort and devotion. Excellence comes from your commitment to getting it right. Excellence is well worth all that effort and commitment. When you live with excellence, you live at life’s highest level. Why would you settle for anything less? You are absolutely capable of achieving excellence in your own unique ways.

Excellence is not attained with a one-time, quick and isolated tactic. A life of excellence is a life in which there is, every day, a renewed commitment to excellence. A life of excellence is a life of caring, about your own concerns to be sure, but also about matters that go far beyond yourself. A life of excellence comes from a continuously renewed focus on the big picture.

Most of all, living a life of excellence comes from fostering an attitude of excellence in everything you do.

When you have an attitude that sincerely values excellence, the actions that build excellence will naturally flow from that attitude. With an attitude of excellence, you can find the goodness and value in any situation. With attitude of excellence, you can absolutely make life even better than it already is. You are enormously blessed with the priceless gift of life. Take every opportunity to live it at the highest, most loving, compassionate, productive and excellent level.

So how, specifically, do you do that? How do you cultivate and attitude of excellence in your own life? Let’s take a look at some of effective strategies.

It all starts with the way you think. You are free in every moment to think whatever thoughts you choose to think. And even one small thought has the power to change your life. Excellence is a matter of taking intentional, purposeful control of your thoughts.

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--Ralph Marston

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