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Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.
-- Henri Bergson


The MONTHLY Motivator - April 2019



To get anything worthwhile done, you must have the ambition to do it. You have to really, truly want it. Every endeavor will present you with challenges, and the energy of your desire must be greater than the power of those challenges. To create the achievement, you have to want it. No, that doesn’t mean being obsessed by it. Seek to be driven without being obsessed. Obsession clouds your thinking. You can make your energy more positive than that.

Be driven, but don’t go in spurts. That wastes time and energy and ends up creating lots of mistakes. Choose to go in strong, steady, unstoppable steps. That’s sustainable. That gets good and valuable things done.

Realize the nature and scope of the opportunity you have. Here you are, on this day, capable, aware, resourceful, passionate, caring. There’s a universe full of abundance. There’s a world filled with good people who seek to enjoy the miracle of living. You can do so much. It’s not about making yourself look good. It’s not about gaining power over others. It’s about fulfilling life’s best possibilities.

Have you ever felt like you’re on a roll, when everything you do brings positive results? Get yourself on that roll. It’s not a supernatural thing, though it does feel magical. It’s something you can work your way toward. The operative word here is “work”.

When you begin to take action, it feels clumsy. Keep going. Want it. Take more action and it starts feeling a little better. Keep going. Want it more. This is not blind obsession. It is solid commitment.

Remind yourself of the good things that will happen when you get your work done. Remind yourself of the bad things that will come to pass if you fail to get that work done. Remind yourself, and keep going.

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--Ralph Marston

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