The MONTHLY Motivator - October 2018

Let challenge push you forward
Challenge is a fact of life. Instead of seeking to be free of your challenges, you can choose to be motivated by them, to move successfully through them. A life with no challenge is a life with no opportunity for growth, fulfillment or satisfaction. Your challenges are yours for a very good reason. They are precisely the challenges that will enable you to grow stronger, more capable, and more fulfilled.
When the challenges are great, so are the rewards. If the journey is long, there is much value to be gained in making it. When people criticize what you’re doing, it means you’re making a difference. When you keep encountering obstacles, it means you’re moving forward. Just because you experience life’s difficulties is not a reason to be dismayed. Keep in mind that the more solidly you’re making progress the more resistance you’ll feel. Feel that resistance, and realize that the very fact you’re feeling it push against you means you’re pushing forward through it.
So don’t resent the challenges, and don’t avoid those challenges. Don’t complain about the challenges or pretend they’re not there. Instead, deal with each challenge as it arises. Work through every challenge and feel the confidence that comes from knowing you can do it. Life’s challenges give you the opportunity to experience yourself growing stronger. See each challenge for the potential value it represents, and make that value your own.
You are up to the challenge. You can do the work and reach the value that’s yours to claim on the other side of that challenge. You can take hold of impossible tasks, break them down into manageable chunks, and get them done. You can gather the information, find the resources, and develop the skills necessary to do the job. You can make decisions and then implement them. You can build on what works and make adjustments to what doesn’t. You can stay connected to your driving purpose, motivated and enthusiastic through every difficulty. You can express that purpose in a way that inspires others to share your enthusiasm. You can draw positive energy even from negative situations. You can identify weakness and transform it into strength. You can do whatever it takes to work through each challenge.
Progress is made by doing what you have not done before. To truly grow stronger, you must step beyond what is comfortable and familiar. Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new possibilities. And with those new possibilities come new and difficult challenges.
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--Ralph Marston
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