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Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
-- Thomas Jefferson


The MONTHLY Motivator - December 2014


Get it done

Get it done. Now. Not when you’re more comfortable. Not when you’re a little less comfortable. Not when conditions are perfect. Not when conditions are lousy. Now. You know all the excuses and you know they’re worthless. Whatever must be done, do it now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not when somebody reminds you. Now. This is the moment for achievement. If you don’t do it now, it will never get done. It’s good to plan. It’s essential to act. It’s good to make sure you have everything in order. Yet it’s essential to act. Now.

You have great potential. You’ve seen glimpses of it. You know there is much, much more you can achieve. Now is when. This is where. There are things in this life that are crucially important to you. There are people you love. There are values you care about. You have a vision for how life can be when it is at its best. The only way to fully honor all those things is with your committed, persistent, effective action. Get it done.

Decide where you want to go. Don’t hold back your ambition. Decide where you really, truly want to go. Then take the first step. After that, take the second step, and the third and the fourth. Keep going. Act now, and make the commitment to continue as long as necessary. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your best possibilities. You owe it to the people who are important to you. You owe it to life.

You can make things happen. You’ve done it all your life. You can make things happen, so do it. Make things happen that make a positive difference. Make things happen that support what you care about. Make things happen that encourage the people you love. Make things happen that empower you to live the life of your dreams.

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--Ralph Marston

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