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Eternity is in love with the creations of time.
-- William Blake


The MONTHLY Motivator - August 2013

Enjoy now

Life is better, you are better, things are better, your outlook is better, your attitude is better, your work is better, you’re more effective, you’re more positive, more motivated, more inspired, more energetic, when you are enjoying yourself. So here’s a plan. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy what you’re doing. Enjoy where you are. Enjoy what you have. Enjoy what you see. Enjoy what you know. Enjoy the people you’re with. Enjoy your life now. Don’t wait for some imagined utopia. Don’t wait or wish that you could be somewhere else where you could really enjoy yourself. Instead, enjoy where you are. Stop worrying or complaining about what you have to do. Get busy, do it, and choose to enjoy it. It may not be fun, it may not be exciting, it may not be glamorous, yet you can still enjoy it. You can still enjoy it, and by enjoying it you’ll be better at it.

But how can you enjoy yourself when you have bills to pay, when your house is at risk of foreclosure, when you’ve lost your job, or you have a serious medical condition, or there are problems with family members? How can you enjoy yourself in times like that?

Well, the question is, how can you afford not to enjoy yourself? Because enjoying what you’re doing is going to help get you through. Finding things in your life to enjoy and to treasure will give you the motivation and incentive to address those difficult problems and to get beyond them. You don’t have to pretend that everything is great to enjoy yourself. You can actually enjoy the challenges. You can enjoy the fact that you’re able to make a difference, and that you’re able to successfully take on the challenges that come up. It’s not easy to do that. It’s probably not very comfortable to do that. It could be complicated, and messy, and frustrating. And yet, you can take great satisfaction in creating value. You can take satisfaction in starting with a difficult situation and transforming it into an achievement, transforming it into a life that you desire to live, a life that you enjoy living. You can take satisfaction and enjoyment from working your way through the difficulties.

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--Ralph Marston

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