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Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
-- Rumi


The MONTHLY Motivator - February 2013


Living your vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
                                 — Proverbs 29:18

Vision is not an option. The life you live flows directly from the life you envision. You cannot choose whether or not to have a vision for your life. You do have such a vision. What you can choose, and what you continually do choose, is precisely what that vision is.

There are some people who envision changing the world in powerful, positive and specific ways, and they do. There are others who envision nothing beyond their next fix of caffeine, or heroin, or greasy food, and that’s all they ever get. Vision is what focuses the endlessly adaptable energy of life. Vision transforms boundless, yet nebulous abundance into concrete and meaningful value. Whether in an individual, a family, a business or a culture, the quality of vision determines the quality of life.

Vision is not easy to develop or to maintain. Forming your vision involves choosing between a whole universe full of alternatives, and that requires making a firm commitment. Maintaining your vision can be even more difficult, because doubt can eat away at it in every moment and in every turn of events. Although it is not easy, however, living with a noble and well-considered vision is worth the effort. Lives of meaning and fulfillment are driven by visions of goodness and excellence.

Do you ever find yourself feeling disillusioned? Ironically, disillusionment is a way of experiencing your inner vision. Your disillusionment is telling you that there’s a valuable contribution you know you must make to life. It’s a way of confirming that you know life can be brighter, more authentic and more meaningful than it is. When you feel disillusioned, somewhere within you there’s a powerful, positive vision and that vision is being stifled. Disillusionment is the beginning of the process that brings your positive vision to life.

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--Ralph Marston

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