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As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.
-- Voltaire


The MONTHLY Motivator - March 2012


Get yourself going

There is much you can accomplish. There are wondrous places you can go. There are great and fulfilling ways for you to make a difference. There are beautiful moments you can experience. There are magnificent, amazing things you can have. Yet for all that to happen, you must make it happen. For all that to come about, you must get yourself going.

In the face of great difficulty, you must get yourself going. When the challenges seem overwhelming, you must get yourself going. When you’re weary and disillusioned, you must get yourself going. When it seems that no one else cares in the least little bit, you must get yourself going. When you’ve stumbled again and again, and it feels like nothing is working, you must get yourself going.

So how do you do that? How do you get yourself going, again and again? You know that persistence will bring great things into your life and your world. But how do you get yourself to persist when you cannot see that your efforts are having an effect? You know you must get yourself going, but what can you do to make that happen?

There’s no secret, magic technique that will get you to get yourself going. In the end, you simply must step forward and take action, time after time, to make the effort and to make a difference. Yet there are plenty of things you can do that will push you positively in that direction.

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--Ralph Marston

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