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Well done is better than well said.
-- Benjamin Franklin


The MONTHLY Motivator - September 2011

Make it happen

You know what you want to do. So how do you make it happen? Wait just a minute, there. You do know what you want to do, right? Are you absolutely positive? Are you sure it’s what you want to do, that you’re seeking to do it because it fulfills something real and inescapably compelling within you?

Be sure. It’s an enormous waste of time, not to mention a real bummer, to throw yourself headlong into something you don’t really want to do. So be sure you’re not doing it just to impress somebody. Be sure you’re not doing it just to fit in. Be sure you’re not doing it just because it sounds good. Make sure you’re not doing it just because you’re envious of someone else who has done it.

In short, in choosing how to invest the precious and irreplaceable moments of your life, don’t do something just because you have some good-sounding reasons to do it. Do something because it comes from the essence of who you are. You do understand the difference, right?

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--Ralph Marston

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