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The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
-- George Bernard Shaw


The MONTHLY Motivator - June 2011


Your dream

You have a dream for your life.

Maybe you know precisely what that dream is, or maybe you don’t even know it’s there. Nonetheless, you have a dream for your life, a vision of experiencing life in a way that is magnificently rich and uniquely fulfilling. Have you seen that dream lately? Or have you been burying it by keeping yourself busy tending to your doubts, your fears and your insecurities? Have you ever allowed yourself to touch the dream you have for your life, to really get to know it?

You are wealthy beyond anything you can imagine.

That wealth is not based on what’s in your bank account or stock portfolio, though you can absolutely make use of it to put as much money in the bank as you wish. Your real wealth is not dependent on the make and model of your car, or the size of your house, or on how much stuff you have it filled with. The truly important wealth in your life flows from your own uniqueness. The real richness in your life can be found in the authentic dreams you have for how life can be.

You have a dream that will make your life endlessly fulfilling. Would you like to find it? Would you like to live it?

Maybe you’ve been thinking about it. Perhaps you’ve been planning to get around to it, after you lose weight, or as soon as you find a better job, or once you get a little money saved up. Yes, you regret the time you’ve already wasted but after all, you’ve been busy just getting by.

Whatever has happened before, is over and done with. Today you have the opportunity to choose how you will move forward. The best option, for yourself and for the whole world, is to live your dreams, beginning immediately. Now you can choose to be who you know, at your deepest and most authentic level, you are meant to be.

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--Ralph Marston

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