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Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
-- St Francis of Assisi


The MONTHLY Motivator - December 2009

The best year ever

You can make this the best year ever. You can make this the best time ever. You deserve a life that’s filled with joy and meaning and every good thing you can imagine. Because you’re absolutely capable of doing whatever you are truly committed to doing.

In fact, you’ve been doing it all your life. Every day, you achieve whatever you’re most fully committed to achieving -- whether that’s just getting through the day without having to put out any effort (a lot of people achieve that), or whether it’s building a multi-million-dollar business (a lot of people achieve THAT), or whether it’s anything in between -- whatever you’re truly committed to doing is precisely what you ARE doing with your time and your resources. Your commitment is evidenced by your actions and your results.

So look around at your life, your situation, and your circumstances and ask yourself -- what exactly have you been committed to achieving? What results have you produced? Are you happy with those results? Would you like more of the same? Would you like to make some changes? Or would you prefer a whole different set of results?

If there were no limitations in your life, if you could have anything you wanted, what exactly would that be? If you had the freedom to do anything, whether it sounds reasonable or practical or not, what precisely would that be? If you suddenly became a world-famous celebrity, and if you knew that millions and millions of people would listen to what you had to say, what would you say? What would you want to express about yourself, about your values, about your view of life?

There’s a beautiful purpose inside of you, a magnificent, unique purpose that has always been with you, and always will be. Sometimes you can feel that purpose intensely, usually when life is either going very, very good or very, very badly for you. Much of the time, however, on the at least conscious level, you forget about that purpose. But it’s always there. Everything you feel is connected to that purpose. Every desire you have is an attempt to express that purpose.

When you’re frustrated, it’s because

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--Ralph Marston

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