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The thing done avails, and not what is said about it.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


The MONTHLY Motivator - January 2009

Powerful questions

Questions have a powerful influence on your mind. Why is that? Because it is nearly impossible to hear or to read a question without considering an answer. Many statements are easy to ignore, but questions simply cannot be ignored. They force you to think. As a result, questions can be an excellent tool for directing and focusing your thoughts.

One reason so many people tend to think so negatively so much of the time is because they’re continually asking themselves negative questions. Some examples:

  • Why can’t I ever get anything right?
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • What’s wrong with him?
  • How much longer do I have to sit through this?
  • What’s the problem now?
  • Why can’t I ever get anything done?
  • Why can’t I ever get ahead?

Questions such as these make an entirely negative presumption and don’t leave any room for positive possibilities. In order for your mind to even interpret these questions, you must first adopt a negative perspective. Though negative questions may be entirely valid, and though they may indeed be worth considering, they force you to make those considerations from a position of weakness.

Consider how the exact same questions, when asked in a positive manner, can change your entire frame of reference:

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--Ralph Marston

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