virgin islands scene

The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
-- Virginia Woolf


The MONTHLY Motivator - January 2008

The great experience of today

Today you have the opportunity for a great experience. Today you have the undeniable chance to really live. It is up to you to take advantage of that opportunity. It is up to you to make the most of this day. It is your privilege and your responsibility to live the great experience that this day offers.

Certainly there will be problems and distractions. These things are constantly with us all. Perhaps you’ll conclude that there are too many problems keeping you from experiencing a great day. Such a conclusion would be a serious mistake. For even in the face of overwhelming problems and obstacles, today can be a great experience. In fact, those problems can likely play a very positive role in that great experience.

It is all to easy to fall into a negative rut, forgetting that life is to be lived fully every moment, choosing instead to focus on the difficulties and their negative aspects. Yet life is best lived alongside the problems, rather than apart from them. If you wait for the problems to completely go away, you will miss the great experience that this very day has to offer.

Today is an opportunity to live like you are somebody special, because you truly are. Yes, there are bills to be paid, appointments to be kept, and other details that beg for your attention. Keep in mind, however, that you’re doing these things for a reason. In the service of that purpose, you have chosen to attend to all the details. You are in control of all these things. They are not in control of you.

The degree to which you value, celebrate and utilize the good fortune of your life will determine the fullness and richness of that life. You already have more than you could ever possibly use. Your challenge today is to make the most of it on a moment-by-moment basis.

So how do you go about living the great experience that is today?

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--Ralph Marston

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