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In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.
-- Arnold Glasow


The MONTHLY Motivator - March 2007

Nourishing thoughts

No doubt you’ve experienced the reality that the food you put into your body has a significant impact on your physical well being. If you neglect to eat breakfast or lunch, you’ll probably begin to feel weak and lethargic in the early afternoon. If you load up on junk food with lots of fat and sugar, it can make you feel even worse. Proper nutrition is essential for your body.

Just as important is proper, healthy nutrition for your mind. The best way to nourish and energize your mind is by feeding it positive, empowering, yet challenging thoughts. When your mind is filled with such nourishment, it can help you to do amazing things. Everything that has ever been accomplished began with a thought. Your mental well being has a significant influence on your ability to see opportunities, to take advantage of those opportunities, to effectively meet challenges, to set goals and achieve them. When you get yourself into a positive state of mind, suddenly the impossible becomes possible. You go from being imprisoned by your circumstances to being empowered by them.

When you focus your mind on reaching a particular goal, and keep it positively focused, your mind will find a way to reach that goal. It’s one of the most powerful abilities you possess. It can enable you to achieve whatever you desire.

A positively nourished mind is essential to a life of success, achievement and fulfillment. So how do you keep your mind energized and effective?

One important way is to exercise your mind. Regular, challenging exercise is just as important to your mind as it is to your body. The more you use your mind, the more powerful and effective it becomes.

Exercising your mind means thinking. Real thinking takes some effort, and we often try to avoid it by just reacting instead of thinking. Consider all the things you do on a daily basis. How many of them do you actually think through, and how many are simply automatic reactions? Make an effort to inject more thinking into everything you do. Take on projects that will require you to stretch your mind. The more you exercise your mind, the more powerful it becomes. And a powerful, well-developed mind can take you a long, long way.

Another way to keep your mind growing more powerful

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--Ralph Marston

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