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Truth hurts...not the searching after, the running from.
-- John Eyberg


The MONTHLY Motivator - March 2006

Making a positive difference

Success in any endeavor depends on making a positive difference. Whether you pursue achievement in the business world, in your personal life, in education, in science or medicine, in sports, politics or in any other arena, getting what you’re after depends on the ability to consistently make a positive difference for those with whom you’re involved.

Making a positive difference creates value where none existed before. It can change a liability into an asset, a difficult situation into an opportunity. To make things happen effectively, you must be skilled at making a positive difference in your own life and in the lives of those around you. In every situation, there are numerous ways to make a positive difference. But exactly what are they? In this article we’ll look at some things you may not have considered. Of course each situation is different and none of these strategies applies in every case. Yet when looking for ways to make a positive difference, it helps when you’re able to refer to some proven strategies.

Those whom we view as leaders usually reach that position because they’re skilled at bringing substantial positive influence to the situations in which they’re involved. No matter what your aspirations, if you’re attempting to achieve something of value you’ll need to bring about positive change.

Just knowing and understanding this dynamic, and keeping it at the front of your mind, will help you to recognize all sorts of opportunities for making a positive difference. After all, whenever you set out to do something your amazingly powerful mind will find ways to do it. So make it your mission to make a positive difference. Look for opportunities, in every situation and in every moment, to be a positive influence. Exercise those opportunities, and you’ll do great things.

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--Ralph Marston

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