virgin islands scene

Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed.
-- Lloyd Jones


The Daily Motivator
Daily HD Video Version

The Daily Motivator picture and music presentation is now available each day in high definition video.

Way back in 2002, more than three years before YouTube first came online, The Daily Motivator picture and music presentations were already available each day to subscribers. At that time, the state-of-the-art technology for online animation was Adobe Flash. So the presentations were originally set up to use Flash, and have continued to do so for more than 17 years. In 2013, we added another version, HTML5, so the presentations could be viewed on mobile devices.

In 2018, Adobe announced they would no longer be supporting Flash, and as of 2021 most of the major web browsers no longer support Flash. Because of this, all Daily Motivator subscribers who previously had their accounts set to view the Flash version have now been switched to the HD video version.

In order to continue making the popular Daily Motivator presentations available to subscribers, as well as to improve quality and compatibility, the daily picture and music presentations are now available in streaming HD video as MP4 files.
For you as a viewer of the daily picture and music presentations, there are many advantages to the new format, including:

  • Higher resolution images (full HD quality at 1080 x 1920 pixels).
  • Ability to view the presentations in full-screen mode.
  • Compatibility with every modern web browser across a wide range of devices including desktop and notebook computers, tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs.
  • Ability to pause and re-start at any point in the presentation.
  • Ability to adjust the music volume.
  • Excellent synchronization of music and images.

This new format is available to all paid, gift, and sponsored Daily Motivator subscribers at no additional charge. You will need to change your video preference, however. All you have to do is log in to your Daily Motivator member account, click the link to the “Change video preference” form, and change your preference to “HD Video”.

To log in, you’ll just need to enter your email address (the address were you currently receive The Daily Motivator) on the login form and your Daily Motivator password. If you’ve forgotten your password, or never set one, just go to the Password Reset Form, enter your email address, and we’ll send you a new password.

Also, keep in mind that if you have trouble with any of this, do not hesitate to CONTACT US by email or phone and we’ll be happy to help you make the change.

Once your video preference is changed, you’ll see the new HD Video version when you click the video link in each daily email, or when you log in to your Daily Motivator member account and view current or previous videos.

Keep in mind that you can change your video preference at any time, so feel free to experiment and find the format that works best for you.

Please note that the new format does use more bandwidth than the old Flash version. The new presentations average about 22 megabytes in file size if you view them at full HD resolution. If you’re viewing on a smaller device such as a smartphone, they will stream at a lower resolution, using less bandwidth. If you want to limit your bandwidth usage, you can select the HTML5 version as your preference. We will continue to provide that version on a daily basis going forward. We will also continue to provide the Adobe Flash version until June 30, 2020. After that date, subscribers who still have Adobe Flash set as their preference will be switched to the HD video format.