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Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.
-- Ella Williams


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Direction of focus

Where is your focus directed? What kind of energy is that focus producing?

Your mind has significant influence over every part of your life. Be sure that influence is as beneficial as you can make it.

If you’re intensely and exclusively focused on what’s wrong, you’re very likely to get more of it. Fortunately, you can change the direction of your focus in an instant.

When you find yourself low on positive energy, consider what thoughts have been filling your awareness. Firmly push your focus in a more purposeful and positive direction, and your energy level will follow along.

Effectiveness in everything you do begins with keeping your mind aligned with your best possibilities. From that intentional, positive focus will flow positive choices, productive actions, and desirable results.

No matter what the situation, it’s always your decision what to focus upon. Use that power constantly and consistently to bring value into your life and your world.

— Ralph Marston

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