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Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.
-- Eddie Rickenbacker


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jump start

A thousand things demand your time and attention. It seems you can never get it all done.

So start with just one. Get that completed, and immediately your situation looks a lot better.

When you’ve actually made some progress, more progress not only looks possible, but likely. Get a little momentum going, and it has a good chance of continuing.

Take the first step, even though it feels hopeless, even though you don’t like it. That can launch a whole new attitude.

You’ll soon realize you weren’t as overwhelmed as you imagined yourself to be. It’s great to be working your way forward.

Despite the challenges, despite your reluctance, jump start yourself into action. In just a short time you’ll be running reliably on the momentum of your efforts.

— Ralph Marston

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