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A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.
-- Robert Bolton


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Whatever is to be done

In doing, you find fulfillment. And it’s not necessarily in doing what you envision, prior to doing it, that you will love.

Sure, it’s possible to find ways to do the work you love. What’s more plausible and accessible, though, is allowing yourself to love the work you’re doing.

If you consider a particular task to be beneath you, you’re inflicting punishment on yourself. Worse, you’re denying to yourself the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a difference.

Every person wants to matter, and indeed every person is able to matter in meaningful ways in every moment. Yet if you severely limit the pathways to that meaning you cut yourself off from most of it.

Doing laundry, taking out the garbage, organizing your closet may not seem like world-impacting achievements, yet they are honest, honorable, and necessary. Even the most mundane efforts contribute to the quality of life, and such efforts are always available to be taken up immediately and done.

There’s no shortage of opportunities to make a difference, to experience fulfillment, to love the work. Get the ball rolling, doing whatever is to be done, and keep right on going.

— Ralph Marston

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