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Inch by inch, it's a cinch.
-- Robert H. Schuller


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Out in front

Are you tired of falling behind and always having to play catch up? Then make it a priority to get out in front of your life.

It doesn’t take any more effort to get things done before they need to be done than it does to procrastinate. It will in fact save you from the wasteful anxiety that comes as a result of waiting until the last minute.

There are things you don’t have to do today that you could still go ahead and get done. And the further ahead you get, the more time you’ll have to do what you enjoy and prefer to be doing.

Instead of waiting for the week, or day, or hour before the deadline to get started, go ahead and get it done now. Then, instead of dreading the approaching deadline, you can enjoy yourself and feel good knowing you’re already on top of things.

Once you start to get a little bit ahead of where you need to be, the feeling is so positive that you’ll be anxious to get even further ahead. Once you experience how much more effective you can be when you’re not rushed, you’ll want to repeat that experience again and again.

Choose to live life on your own terms instead of always being weighed down by a deadline. Choose to get out in front of your life, and delight in creating your own destiny.

— Ralph Marston

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