virgin islands scene

Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care.
-- Jimmy Buffett


Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Real magic

Every day is your opportunity to perform magic in this life and in this world. If the day is dreary, you can brighten it with your words and your actions. If the people around you are in dismay, you can offer them real and sincere encouragement. You can think, and create, and learn, you can build and share and love. What could possibly be more magical?

When difficult situations confront you, you can transform them into magnificent opportunities. The ability to do all this, and so much more, is yours this very day. Just imagine what will happen as you make use of it.

Look around you with a sense of awe at all the positive possibilities. This is a moment like no other, a moment for you to work your own special magic.

Today is a day that can be filled with magic if only you will make it so. Use your opportunity to fill each moment with the real and priceless magic of being fully and positively engaged in life.

— Ralph Marston

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