"I'm In" was born in February 1994. At the time, America On Line was experiencing severe problems with the "network marketing" discussion group. Four frustrated networkers, Ken Leonard, Ralph Marston, Neal Brown and Bill Morgan, joined together to produce a publication that would circumvent the AOL problems and provide a high quality forum for networkers.
The newsletter was an instant success, attracting several hundred subscribers on AOL alone in the first few weeks. In the almost two years since that time, "I'm In" has continued to grow, and to provide networkers with a weekly dose of useful, commonsense thoughts and ideas about the business.
In November of 1994, Ralph Marston moved "I'm In" to an automated list server, and it has been distributed that way ever since. Ralph continues to edit and publish the newsletter on a weekly basis, and the other founders contribute articles from time to time.
The strength of "I'm In" comes from the fact that it is written by its readers. All subscribers are encouraged to submit articles for publication. This serves to provide the newsletter with a variety of topics and perspectives.
"I'm In" is provided free of charge as a service to online network marketers, in hopes of advancing the professionalism of the business.
Server space provided by Hurricane Electric