Attention Job Seekers
Ralph Marston - The world of work is changing fast. Jobs, as we know them, are going away. (1/27/95)
By Bill Morgan - Thoughts on riding the wave of change going on in the economy (5/27/94)
In Flight
Ralph Marston - Monumental changes going on in the world of work and in technology lead to the need to be more human than ever before. The global challenge of network marketing is to provide an economic foundation for people in these revolutionary times. (2/10/95)
Interactive Marketing
Ralph Marston - Network marketing is the form of distribution that is best positioned to take advantage of the interactive revolution (12/2/94)
Marketing in the Information Age
Ralph Marston - Network marketing is an ideal form of marketing for the information age. (9/9/94)
Mass marketing is dead
Ralph Marston - Cheap, powerful communication tools have put an end to the dominance of mass marketing (6/17/94)
Mass media continues to slide
Ralph Marston - With network marketing, sales grow as your message takes on a life of its own and is repeated from person to person to person. (10/28/94)
Network marketing: A business whose time has come
Ralph Marston - Want to get involved in a business that is right on track with current trends? You couldn't possibly pick a better business than network marketing. Here are some real quick reasons why. (7/1/94)
Requiem for the Great American Job
Ralph Marston - The traditional job won't be around much longer. (10/14/95)
State of the Art Marketing
Ralph Marston - Relationship or loyalty marketing, fostered through targeted messages, is proving over and over again to be one of the most effective ways to reach prospects. (11/4/94)
The Incredible Shrinking Corporate Job Base
Ralph Marston - Corporations profits are rising to record levels, and they are still laying off people. The future of the corporate job looks abysmal. (5/5/95)
The New World is Here
Ralph Marston - For a long time we have focused on the technology, and have evolved an entire culture around it. Now we must learn to transcend it while still utilizing it to our advantage. There is no better model for this than network marketing. (5/19/95)
The Rules have changed
Ralph Marston - Mass marketing is quickly dying. The big thing now is one-on-one marketing. This means a bright future for network marketing. (3/31/95)
Warp Speed Ahead
Ralph Marston - Connecting all our computers together on the Internet represents a fundamental change in the way we communicate. Network marketing has great promise as we enter this brave new world. (4/7/95)
We have the answer
Ralph Marston - Technology is eliminating thousands of jobs. Network marketing can give those people productive work. (5/20/94)
What is the middle class to do?
Ralph Marston - How network marketing addresses the problems brought on by massive, structural changes in the economy (3/11/94)
The Revolution
Bob Sears - There is an entrepreneurial revolution sweeping the country that is forever changing the way people earn a good living. It is happening right now. Are you part of it? Here are some reasons for the changing complexion of the American work place. (11/3/95)
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