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The Daily Motivator message for Maybe Maybe the grudges you hold are not worth the pain they cause for you and others. Maybe resentments maintained so stubbornly have reached the time to let go. Maybe there really is magic and wonder all around you. Maybe if you live as though life is good and worthy of admiration, it will be. Maybe you were wrong about some things. Maybe it would feel really good to admit that, and to move on. Maybe you have certain possessions, habits, and assumptions you’d be better off without. Maybe it’s time to be more intentional about understanding and supporting what truly matters most to you. Maybe there’s more to fulfillment than just getting what you want as soon as you want it. Maybe honesty, integrity, responsibility, effort and discipline are more liberating than they are burdensome. Maybe you have levels of courage, skill, generosity and love in you that you’ve never before discovered. Maybe today is a good day to see just what they may be. © 2025 Ralph S. Marston, Jr.From The Daily Motivator website at |