A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done. He's got to keep on delivering as he goes along.
-- Carl Hubbell


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The Daily Motivator message for
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Let happiness light the way

by Ralph Marston

Happiness is a choice, not an achievement. Nothing will make you happy until you decide to be happy.

Happiness is not found in a particular set of conditions. Happiness is a powerful and positive way to deal with the conditions, whatever they may be.

How can you be happy when the world seems to be crashing down around you? Even though you may not be happy about what’s going on, you can be happy for the opportunity to make a difference.

If you wait until some specific thing happens before being happy, you’ll have a long, unhappy wait. Choose instead to live your happiness no matter what, and your happiness will light the way to those good things you desire.

Being happy is not naive. When you put no conditions on your happiness, and simply let it flow, it is empowering, and life-changing.

Forget about how easy or hard it might seem, and find it within yourself to be happy. Let your happiness push you forward into a life you can be very happy about.

© 2015 Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
From The Daily Motivator website at http://greatday.com/motivate/150711.html

Copyright 2015 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.